Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Why are some omnivores so pushy?

You think vegans and vegetarians are pushy, preachy and judgmental? How about some of those omnivores? Good heavens, you guys are everywhere. We're surrounded by you. And some of you are not very nice to us either. You shove that crappy, unhealthy, death laden diet of yours down our throats daily and all day long. Yup I said it.

And some of you have no problem bullying us either.

Any idea how those vegan jokes feel when you're vegan? Any idea how horrifying it is to hear you purposefully brag about your latest kill (hunters) or see those Facebook posts of our fellow beings served up on a platter just to get under our skin? Seriously? You could at least respect the fact that your dinner was once a living, breathing being by not being so crass/casual/careless about it.

And restaurants? Hello. We are here. We like to eat out too. We don't want to have to special order everything. You don't have to veganize your whole darn menu. Just give us a couple options, would you? Good heavens! You went to culinary school, right? Don't tell me they didn't teach you how to make anything without meat, eggs, milk or gobs of cheese in it. If not, I'm sure you can figure it out.

Heck, I do it every day and I'm no culinary goddess.

How I love vegan restaurants! I can order anything and not worry what's been slipped into it. Or whether the waitress actually knows what vegan is.

“You can eat fish, right?”

“Arghhh! No!”

Guess what else? Some of my friends are not vegan or even veg. They won't eat at vegan restaurants because “vegan food is gross.” “I need my meat!” So, guess who compromises? Not them! Nope. Ya, that would be me. The “pushy” vegan.

(I must insert here that a few of the omnivore friends I have kept close to over the years will go to those vegan restaurants. Bravo for the open-minded omnivores out there!)

Folks, I'm sick of hearing that I don't get enough of this or that because I'm going vegan. I'm sick of hearing that we have canine teeth for a reason, etc. etc. Mainly because it's not true. Also, I didn't ask you to preach to me, I just mentioned I was going vegan. It was your idea to make an issue out of it. Not mine.

I'm sick of people saying cruel, tasteless, hurtful, inconsiderate things like, “I love animals. They're tasty!” I'm sick of people speaking out against cruelty to animals, then ironically, eating them for dinner.

You guys, I've even seen animal cruelty fundraiser barbecues.

What? That doesn't even make sense.

And furthermore, vegans are not unhealthy, overly thin or wasting away! Many of them are award winning body-builders and athletes!

I've heard all the alternative facts of omnivores many times over. I also have research backed actual, unbiased facts to rebut them all.

But I don't do that to people. I show them compassion and understanding. Most of the time, I just change the subject, smile and move on. Because, like most vegans I'm not at all pushy, rude and inconsiderate. My goal is kindness to all. That's the whole point!

But I'm sick and damn tired of it being acceptable for omnivores to constantly give vegans and vegetarians a hard time. Get over it? Get a sense of humor? No, I'm sorry. It's not OK for you to treat people that way. Ya, even if they're vegan. And it's not funny. Once again, it's hurtful, rude and inconsiderate. Just like it is to poke fun at any group of individuals.

I'm always hearing that vegans are pushy. But I've gotten much more unsolicited advice from omnivores than I've ever given out.

They don't know about the over 40 years of unbiased research that has brought me to my decision. (My personal decision, as some pushy omnivores like to call theirs.)

Apparently, respecting someone's personal decision only applies if they're not vegan/vegetarian. 

But, vegans? You can hound them, stalk them online, lord it over them, discount their extensive, non-biased nutritional education and make fun of them all you want. They're vegans. Everyone knows they're nut-jobs. They don't matter.

Folks, as a transitioning vegan, I put information out there to the general public so people can make informed decisions on their own. I don't do this to ridicule people or lord it over them, but because I care.

I also talk about how happy going vegan has made me. I do not address people individually on the subject unless they ask. But sometimes if they're extremely rude to me personally, I will defend myself and my choices.

Wouldn't you if your beliefs were challenged and ridiculed daily?

Think about it. If you're an omnivore, how did this post make you feel?

Welcome to my world.

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