Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Being vegan is like wearing a protective mask

What does that mean exactly? Well it doesn't mean vegans are hiding, that's for sure. Hiding is something vegans don't do very well, do we? That's because we're excited about our lifestyle and how sustainable it is. We don't have any desire to hide behind a mask. We want to shout it to the world when we find out how much going vegan can help us and others. 

So, what the heck am I talking about? How is going vegan like wearing a protective mask? 

It's simple, really. By going vegan, we decrease animal product consumption and use, thereby creating a healthier environment for all. We reduce disease, contamination, environmental destruction and pollution. We promote a cleaner, healthier, safer way of life. Just like we do when we wear a protective mask to prevent the spread of illness.

That's right. Going vegan helps reduce health risks to others, just as wearing a mask does. We protect our health and the health of others. It's not just about us, it's about everyone. That's because consumption and use of animal products is not just a leading cause of illness. It's also a leading cause of environmental destruction such as deforestation, air and water pollution.

So wear your vegan "mask" proudly. You're not just saving your own life. You're reducing health risks for everyone on the planet.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Kind people don't belong here?

I learned long ago that many people are resistant to anyone who's different. I also learned, ironically, to ignore their ignorance. But the other day, someone I previously reached out to in sincere kindness when they were suffering a personal loss, told me something that will likely stick with me a long, long time.

She told me that maybe I don't belong in Colorado, more specifically, in the rural region where we own our home. Apparently, the reason she felt that I don't belong here was/is that I don't eat meat or believe in raising animals for other products or for entertainment, which is how a lot of people in this area make a living.

When I previously reached out to comfort this individual, I knew full well that she was a cattle rancher and that her entire family was engaged in this occupation as well as participating in rodeos for generations. That didn't matter. All I saw was the grieving mother of a friend.

Maybe that's why this particular comment stuck with me. It felt like a slap in the face. If I could put my difference of opinion aside to comfort her, why couldn't she simply accept me for who I am, as I did her?

Why, no matter where I go, do people insist on making me feel unwelcome, simply because I'm a kind hearted individual who believes in species equality? I'm not a threat to their way of life. They are the majority. I am the minority. And in that respect, I don't belong anywhere in this world, I suppose.

And I guess, some might see where I live, surrounded by animal ag, as the worst fit possible. I don't see it that way at all. Because I'm not just surrounded by animal ag. There are two vegan animal sanctuaries within a few miles of our little town. There's also a wild mustang rescue. There are people engaged in using their land for raising food crops as well. Wheat, other whole grains, corn, soy, herbs, vegetables and even sunflowers are grown here.

This place isn't exclusive to animal ag and rodeo cowboys. It belongs to all of us.

There are wide open spaces here, fresh air, beautiful sunrises and sunsets. There are herds of wild animals, roaming freely, as they should be. In many areas, the land and vegetation is left to nature's own devices, as it also should be.

There are very few people here. Which means less people to judge and categorize me and tell me I don't fit in. Less people insisting that their neighbors have perfectly manicured lawns, rather than trusting the natural balance. Less persecution from the teaming masses.

 Our little acre plot will gradually transition into an organic vegetable growers paradise surrounded by natural native plants, herbs and flowers. We'll be using methods that work with, not against mother nature. We'll be feeding the wildlife, not exploiting it. We'll be feeding ourselves cruelty free produce too. Locally, very locally. From our very own yard.

 I am a kind person. I mean and do no harm. I live and let live. I'm not the enemy. I'm your friend and neighbor. I'm not going anywhere. Neither are you. So, let's just be nice to each other, shall we?

Monday, July 13, 2020

Vegan reboot with my hubby

It's a beautiful day for new resolve as a vegan. It sure is nicer to be vegan when your spouse or significant other decides to join you, isn't it? Easier to avoid temptation with no cheese or other baddies in your fridge to tempt you for sure. That's just one aspect of my recent reboot benefits.

As a result of hubby's newbie vegan enthusiasm, I've been watching a ton of current health centered videos with him. This gives me new inspiration to not only be vegan, but be a healthier vegan. There's so much to learn due to recent in depth research studies. Even having old info reinforced while hubby is learning for the first time is so helpful. 

It's also way more fun to learn new recipes when someone is cooking and eating the same way you are. No modifications needed. We're having an absolute food adventure. We even invested in an instant pot so we have no “there's no time” excuses for cooking from scratch. Even dried beans will be quick now. Yay! Because I really do love them. I was raised on them but I don't always want to cook them all day. 

I also have no reason to be tempted by vegan junk food because we're simply not buying it. Figuratively or literally. I have finally, after years of gradually working toward being as fully vegan as possible, significantly reduced my sugar and oil intake.

I only eat vegan cheese now and very, very sparingly, at that. I will take one slice and crumble it on the occasional salad or spread a teaspoon on the occasional burrito. That's about it.

I have stopped drinking carbonated beverages. Yup, even Dr. Pepper. It's still tough to walk past that soda pop aisle but if I did buy it, I'd be encouraging someone else to cheat too. And that makes a difference in my ability to resist.

With several chronic illnesses, inflammation is a real threat to me. So it's important to stay away from anything that contributes to it. Doing this vegan reboot with hubby really helps me stay on track with better eating habits.

Lastly, but perhaps most important is the reminder that not all vegan food is good for me. Some vegan “substitutes” are no better health-wise than their non-vegan counterparts. Sure, they save animals and the planet but that doesn't mean they save me. I'm loving this vegan reboot.

I highly recommend finding a fellow vegan to share your life with. It makes such a difference!