Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Being vegan is like wearing a protective mask

What does that mean exactly? Well it doesn't mean vegans are hiding, that's for sure. Hiding is something vegans don't do very well, do we? That's because we're excited about our lifestyle and how sustainable it is. We don't have any desire to hide behind a mask. We want to shout it to the world when we find out how much going vegan can help us and others. 

So, what the heck am I talking about? How is going vegan like wearing a protective mask? 

It's simple, really. By going vegan, we decrease animal product consumption and use, thereby creating a healthier environment for all. We reduce disease, contamination, environmental destruction and pollution. We promote a cleaner, healthier, safer way of life. Just like we do when we wear a protective mask to prevent the spread of illness.

That's right. Going vegan helps reduce health risks to others, just as wearing a mask does. We protect our health and the health of others. It's not just about us, it's about everyone. That's because consumption and use of animal products is not just a leading cause of illness. It's also a leading cause of environmental destruction such as deforestation, air and water pollution.

So wear your vegan "mask" proudly. You're not just saving your own life. You're reducing health risks for everyone on the planet.

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